Join Cadets

Looking for a dynamic, structured youth program that offered Canadian youth a variety of interesting and challenging activities? With activities that let teens develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness?

Join the Royal Canadian Army Cadets!

We offer a dynamic and engaging program for youth age 12-18. Activities include outdoor adventure, survival skills, marksmanship, sports, leadership, citizenship, and many more rewarding once in a lifetime opportunities for youth.

Cadets are motivated to improve their physical fitness, to work harder at their academic studies and to give back to their communities through volunteerism and citizenship activities.

Learn more about our program by browsing this website, and on the website. If you have questions or comments about the program, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ready to sign-up?

Apply online at the website. Search for "1112" and fill out the form. We'll be in touch soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join?

All Canadian residents, aged between 12 and 18, are eligible to join the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. You must provide proof of provincial health insurance coverage, or equivalent.

When do we train?

The Corps holds regular training nights on Tuesday evenings through the school year, which cadets must attend every week. Cadets are also expected to attend occasional weekend training exercises, in order to complete the Star Level program (these dates are announced well in advance).

How much does cadets cost?

There is no annual fee to participate in the program. Uniforms are provided for free, and meals are provided during weekend training. All cadets are expected to participate in fundraising efforts to support the Corps.

Are there summer camps?

Yes, cadets are eligible to apply for summer training courses. Acceptance on these courses is not guaranteed, and positions on courses are awarded based on attendance during the Star Level program and recommendation by staff.

Are cadets part of the military?

No. Cadets are not members of the military, nor is this an avenue for recruiting (learn about what we do).

While the Royal Canadian Army Cadet program is delivered by the Canadian Armed Forces, and aims to introduce cadets to the activities of the Canadian Army, cadets are in no way associated with the military.

I have more questions!

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the Corps and our training!